Sunday, December 9, 2007


So, that notorious lack of discipline of mine...

First test, get some sleep - failed. As usual, I tossed and turned and didn't manage to nod off until way too late. I just need a way to get my brain to shut off, but we're not allowed to drink aclohol so what's a fella to do out here?

Second test, get rolling early - failed. The alarm went off at 5am. I looked at the clock, said "screw this," and went back to bed. I rolled out of the sack around 9am and got going a little while later.

Third test, stay on the road all day - passed with flying colors. 705 miles is a pretty good day's work. From here it will be less than 600 miles to Nogales so I'm in good shape. That's a good thing since I've basically pigeonholed myself into making it by tomorrow. I haven't done the math to see if there is time for this ten hour break plus another one, but it shouldn't matter either way. I should get there tomorrow evening (or tomorrow night if I get a late start).

As I rolled across the rest of Louisiana and into Texas it was in the mid-70's with a few clouds. Nice. Then the temperature started to drop... like a brick. By the time I got to Dallas it was 35 degrees. In Abilene, it was down to 31. I was kicking around the local AM stations and they were forecasting freezing rain tonight, more bad weather tomorrow, and generally miserable conditions. Well that's not good. After I stopped in Midland for fuel though, the temperature started to rise again. Hopefully I am angling far enough south to avoid any icy stuff. I have a timeline to keep. When I rolled into Pecos a couple of hours ago, it was 41 degrees. That works for me. Let's hope it keeps up.

I really have no idea when my body will decide to shut down for its customary five hours, so I'll just fall asleep whenever it happens and wake up whenever I wake up. It was days, then nights, then days again... now I don't know. The yard in Nogales has parking for us, so I can get there any time before noon on Tuesday. That means that there's no particular reason to get going early tomorrow if I'm not feeling awake yet.

Along the way today, I had a phone conversation with my trainer from last summer. If I had to envision a person who is the absolute opposite personality from myself, he would definitely make the short list. Still, it's entertaining to catch up every now and then to see what's new. I thought I saw his truck pass in the other direction on I-20 (wasn't him), so I gave him a call. His perspective on the whole hullabaloo concerning the pay structure and the trucks being turned down and all the rest of it was pretty interesting. Apparently, in his twenty years with CFI, he's seen this pattern a few times before. Changes are made, people threaten to quit, a few of them do quit, most of them end up coming back in six months, and things settle in until the next time. I'd say that sounds about right, based on my experience in other lines of work. He seems to agree with me that those of us who keep our heads about us will be better off if a bunch of people do actually quit. Same freight/fewer drivers=more money for me. That's my take.

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