Just shut up. When you lose, be pissed about it. Make a few comments about what you should have done better. Then shut the fuck up. I've learned this because my teams have lost a lot. At times, they've been screwed by the officials. But whining about officials is still the act of a loser.
So, with a hat tip to whatever sbnation is, let's just put this to bed and stop the whining.
Elbow down
Players running off the field, since the whistle had been blown
Running back reaches the ball across the line
So shut up, seriously. If you want to pretend that you can see everything that happens during every play, then acknowledge that you gained most of your yards on plays during which your right tackle was holding. Then... shut up.
The answer is no. Valverde should not be the closer.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then just enjoy a chuckle at my expense and don't worry about it. I'm angry and bitter for a change. Normally Notre Dame leaves me in this state, but they just seem to keep winning this year. So my Tigers have had to pick up the slack.
If you know what I'm talking about and you disagree with me, then I have some bad news for you. You're an idiot. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you. (And it saddens me to know that Jim Leyland is probably one of you, for whatever that's worth.) Valverde has been a damned disgrace all year. Even when he somehow finishes a game without blowing it, he gives up a few baserunners and gives us all heartburn. Enough is enough.
So now Verlander has to go out and finish these rednecks tomorrow. That will give me an excuse to have a few beers and watch an extra ballgame and whatnot, but it never should have gotten to this point. Assuming that he does his job and we move on to the next round, the rotation will have to be anchored by Fister and Sanchez. Not a bad pair of pitchers, incidentally, but we'll probably only get one start out of our ace. That's a tough deal when every game matters this much.
When I saw the video clip where Piers Morgan speaks with Stacey Dash about the reaction to her support for Mitt Romney, I probably should have been impressed by her dignity and class in the face of the typical liberal response. If a black person steps out of line, then by golly that black person is a race traitor... and so on. Then you add in the fact that she's a woman, and we know that all women are inherently liberal, even if they have the audacity to think otherwise. So the response was predictable, and her response to the response was far more dignified.
None of that really stood out to me though. As I watched the interview, I couldn't believe how absolutely gorgeous she is. She was kinda cute when that movie Clueless came out, but that was like a hundred years ago. This chick has to be at least 40 years old by now, right? And yet she looks way better.
I won't get into too much detail about how I stumbled across this one. We'll just say that there are parts of the internet where no decent person would ever tread. I stop by to say 'Hi' to old friends there every now and then.
Tonight someone submitted a link to a questionable video. That questionable video begat other questionable videos. And so on and so forth, until a reasonable person could only conclude that the internet was a worthless cesspool.
I had a leg up on the world though, because I knew that the internet was a worthless cesspool long before most people logged on to their first AOL accounts. The trick is to filter out the noise. One video, another, another... horrible, horrible, horrible...
Then came something different. If I didn't know any better, I might think I was in love. I do know better, so no worries there. On second thought though, I don't know man...
(UPDATE: 10/11/12 4:08am)
It's possible that you might view cover songs as somehow inferior to the originals. Given the varied experience that we have, I don't blame you. Remember Madonna singing American Pie? What a fucking debacle. So, in the interest of accuracy, I'm going to include Mr. Browne's version of his lovely song.
I think that the most recent object of my affection sang it better, but who the hell am I? Judge for yourselves.