Thursday, March 10, 2011


My e-mail inbox is often an uncharted wasteland of whatever the world has to offer.  Of course there are always the solicitations from penis enlargement companies, financial offers from the leader of Nigeria, and offers that will have me earning thousands of dollars from home.  Then there are the occasional communications from people that I actually know.  Then there's the news.  Oodles and oodles of news.

My television viewing, as it were, generally takes place at my computer and consists of checking out whichever video clips sound like they might be amusing to me.  I find politics amusing for the most part since each person is so certain that he is right and everyone else is wrong, even though none of them have advanced an original thought since about 800 AD.  I usually chuckle at the rank and file folks (like myself) far more than the politicians.  We are all so sure that we know the answers but we really don't know jack shit.  (Page 2 of this one - read it and weep.)

Every now and then though, one of the enlightened leaders makes me double over in laughter.  There was Harry Reid, who is always good for a laugh, talking about cowboy poets in a discussion on the federal budget, but that one wasn't full-on LOL funny.  That was just the senile goofball who runs the U.S. senate, doing what he does best.

Tonight's gutbuster came from the following clip, featuring some dude who is hiding out in Illinois in an effort to prevent the Wisconsin senate from functioning.  Consider his objective - to prevent the Wisconsin senate from functioning - one more time before you hit play.

The whole argument, from my personal perspective, is akin to a discussion on the merits and drawbacks of the death penalty.  I'm not sold on the idea that it's the best thing in the world to do, but whatever.  Let people argue about it if it makes them feel better.  The unions have largely succeeded in convincing people (wrongly, of course) that there's no real fiscal impact from the collective bargaining restrictions, but good for them.  They have an agenda to protect.  The Republicans have largely failed to convince anyone that this action was really needed so immediately and urgently, but good for them.  They are in Madison, Wisconsin, for Christ's sake.  How long do you figure they'll hold power in that neck of the woods?  I would guess one election cycle at most.  Who can blame them for pressing the advantage while they have it?  Obamacare, anyone?

No, I really don't give a flying rat's ass about Wisconsin school teachers or their budgets.  Sorry, I don't.  I have no children and I don't live in Wisconsin.  If the fine folks up there want to keep mortgaging their future to pay for 'public servants' who live better than they do, then so be it.  None of my business.  But to say, with what I can only assume was a straight face, that this was some sort of subversion of the democratic process, as you hide out in "an undisclosed location" in order to try and stop the democratic process from proceeding?  Well that's just damned hilarious.
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