Monday, December 10, 2007


You know how, in elementary school, there was always the one slow kid in class? You knew you shouldn't laugh when he said something stupid, but you just couldn't help yourself. Then, what did we do? We'd egg him on and get him to say even more stupid stuff so we could amuse ourselves a little more. After all, the poor kid didn't know how dumb he sounded, right? What was the harm in getting him to open his mouth every now and then? If you know what this is about, rest assured that I have some confessing to do when I get back to Detroit, but it's just so damn funny sometimes I can't help myself. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's probably just as well.

So... today... I was in no mood to drive this morning so I didn't drive this morning. I got going a little while after noon. Fortunately, I got far enough south last night to avoid the nasty stuff. Apparently half of Oklahoma has no power? Damn. On my route it was a rainy and dreary day, but the temperature never got below the 40's. Aside from stopping for dinner in Lordsburg, I stayed on the road all day.

About the only thing notable along the way was some kind of INS situation going on in the middle of I-19, a little way south of Tuscon. There was a car sitting sideways in the median, with ten border patrol cars around it. As I rolled south from there, I saw three more with their lights blazing as they raced toward the scene. I don't know if it was drugs or what the deal was, but they were bringing in the cavalry for something.

I learned something about my job today. Apparently Nogales is like Laredo in terms of how we get rid of our loaded trailers. I had only been to Nogales once and I dropped my trailer on a yard similar to the one in Calexico, grabbed another loaded trailer, and headed north. I assumed that that was our yard and we could drop or hook freight as we pleased. Wrong. It turns out that we use different brokers for different loads. I'm at some ghetto warehouse within spitting distance of Mexico right now, but there's nobody here. There are also no CFI trailers here, so I'll have to wait for someone to take this one in the morning and see what they're going to do with me from that point. I put in a request for home time when I got here, so I'll be routed that way sooner or later. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping they steer me clear of Joplin. I'd like to hang on to my 70mph truck for a little longer.

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