Friday, November 5, 2010


Life is nothing but double-edged swords.  For instance, my weight training has progressed somewhat well in spite of my... situation.  Each time I reach a given number of repetitions of a given lift, I bump the weight upward for the next time.  As this process is repeated week after week, I actually get stronger.  Go figure.

So I was sitting there tonight, taking a break between sets of hammer curls.  A fella sat down nearby and started doing preacher curls with a 40 pound barbell.  I looked at the floor and saw that I was using a pair of 70 pound dumbbells at the time.  My belly is still ample enough to ensure that I won't be posing in front of a mirror in the foreseeable future, but for a moment at least I thought I was kinda strong.  Then later in the workout, as I got to my overhead tricep extensions (or whatever you would call it technically - I hold an EZ bar behind my head and then straighten my elbows), my third set called for 115 pounds of weight.  The heaviest pre-packaged EZ bar in the place weighs 115 pounds.  If I care to go any higher, I'll have to start sliding plates onto an empty bar.

The other 'edge' of the sword, as it were, is that those heavier weights put an awful lot of strain on the tendons and joints and shit that connect everything together.  After tonight's arm workout, my left elbow is killing me.  This aging shit is for the birds.

Work was okay though.  Two loads, five stores altogether, no worries.  And today was payday.  Apparently I made $1,450 last week.  I know I was burned out by the time all was said and done, so I guess that sounds about right.  I surely won't be invited to any high brow cocktail parties in my lifetime, but for a blue collar dude from Downriver I manage to keep the bills paid.  That's enough for me.

I think I only have one load for tomorrow, but I'll have to confirm this with the dispatcher when I go in.  The way that my assignment is listed on the board seems a little ambiguous.  Anyhow, if it's only the one load and those damned Fighting Irish have the weekend off, I may have an enjoyable Saturday for a change.

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