Saturday, November 8, 2008


This miserable post has to be prefaced by an acknowledgement that my hosts in Boston showed me an absolutely rip-roaring good time last night. I am now certain that Irish girls can definitely be attractive. You just need a higher quantity of them. They have that higher quantity here. Wow. What a night. I had a blast.

Then there's today. After rolling out of bed and finding my bearings, I headed out to a local bar for some lunch. Then I was perfectly content to sit on the couch and watch football. The other guys had a better idea, so we went to Suffolk Downs. Boredeom for me ensued. I was a good sport though. Not really any point in sitting on the couch all day, right? Then a seagull flew overhead and shit on my shoulder. Ahh yes. One of those days.

Then we went back to my buddy's brother's place to shower and (allegedly) head out for some tailgating. They came up with a different plan though. We headed over to Newton to visit a bar for dinner and drinks before heading to the game. Fair enough. After circling around and looking for a parking space for a half hour, we settled on an illegal one and headed inside. Nowhere to sit. So we walked over to a local food place so everyone could get dinner. Then we would drink at another guy's house for a few before heading to the game.

The local place was a barbecue establishment. I'm told that the food is pretty good there. Beans, barbecue sauce, cole slaw, etc... I don't eat that shit. So I was a little hungry, but I could grab something at the tailgate once we headed over to the game. As long as I could knock back a few beers, I would be good to go. We sat down and, while the other folks in the group enjoyed their dinners, I reached for a beer. Warm as hell. Nice. So, no dinner and no beer for me. Whatever. The barbecue enthusiasts wound up drinking Jack Daniel's for a while. I had a bit of whiskey backlash following last night's festivities so I chose to pass on the Jack tonight.

Long story short (or at least a little less long)... they killed time for a while and we never made it to the tailgate party. One guy's girlfriend dropped us off at the game just in time to catch the kickoff. [Common decency now requires that the section related to the football game be redacted.]

So that was that. Depressed and dejected, we needed to find a way home. We walked... and walked... and walked. My colleagues unsuccessfully tried to hail cabs. I observed that I don't think it's legal to hail a cab on the street in the suburbs. So they kept walking and trying to hail a cab. We got on the Green Line train and headed toward Boston. That was the wrong direction, so we got off the train. We spotted a cab coming around a corner. A guy came walking out of a pizzeria, most likely to get in the cab that he had summoned. Oh no, my friends. He was approaching a cab that we had called (as far as the cab driver knew). It's a dog eat dog world there. What can I say?

So... there we were in our cab heading back to Newton. The guy to whose house we were going didn't know how to get to said house. Sweet. Then we got back there and drove from Newton to Southie and called it a night. A shitty, shitty night.


  1. Carma had to balance out the previous night.


  2. Yeah, I do tend to be a little short on balance sometimes. You may have a point.


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