Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Pop quiz hotshots: How bad does a 4am wakeup call suck? You receive a passing grade if you offered any version of "it sucks ass."

Sometimes the first thought of the day sets the tone. Today was one of those days. I managed to get through Chicago in fairly short order, so at least that was good. I can neither confirm nor deny the rumors circulating that traffic on I-90 was flowing well above the 45mph speed limit.

Then the drive down I-65 in Kentucky is always a bumpy pain in the ass. The Pilot on I-65 in Nashville is a good and shitty place to do a relay. The trailer that I picked up had some kind of wiring issue, such that the blinkers on the left side weren't working. I headed for the T/A a few miles down to get that checked out. I missed the turn for the T/A and wound up lost in downtown Nashville. By the time I extricated myself from there, my turn signal was working fine so I decided against trying to double back and find the T/A again. I don't know for sure what was the issue, but it worked when I got here...

Speaking of here... I got a pre-plan as I rolled through Indiana this morning, so I knew where I was headed once I made my relay this afternoon. How bad does a 4am wakeup call suck? It sucks ass, even more so when it comes two days in a row. I had to head over to the ConWay in Nashville and set up for another relay leaving tomorrow morning. I'll be heading over to make my swap at the damn T/A in Troutville, Virginia tomorrow afternoon. Two days in a row... two early ass ConWay relays... two shitty ass truck stops... a distinct possibility that whatever gets me out of Virginia will carry through the weekend and give me a shitty paycheck... if only you could see the big smile on my face.

It's hot as hell outside and this place is a zoo. I ain't dragging the weights out here. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Now I guess I'll try the excessive air conditioning and other methods to put myself to sleep. Good times. Good times.

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