Saturday, August 30, 2008


After spending the morning in limbo, I finally got the clearance to take off with my trailer. I wound up in Laredo long enough to get a 34-hour restart so maybe I'll be glad for the delay by the time next weekend rolls around.

It was typical holiday weekend traffic for 99% of the 670 miles that I covered today. Anyone wanna guess which city along Satan's Driveway had traffic at a dead stop? Oh hell, you already know. I blew through San Antonio at the speed limit and things were rolling right along as I approached Austin. Traffic was light, there was no road work, and everything looked promising. Then we stopped. There was no obvious reason at first, but then I did a little detective work. Cars backed up along the exit ramps. People all over wearing ugly orange shirts. Oh hell. The Mack Brown Correctional Institute must have had a home game today. Always something in that damn town.

Otherwise everything was peachy keen. I stopped for a break and enjoyed a delicious Wendy's Spicy Chicken on the south side of Waco, but otherwise stayed on the road. I'll have to jam in another 650-700 miles tomorrow and then hit the Northeast on Monday. Holiday traffic up there... I just don't know what to expect. I had better get as many miles in as possible by tomorrow.

My week wraps up just a few cheeseburgers short of $1,500. That's welcome news, given my low expectations for next week. Monday holidays aren't generally good for business. Now, even if next week is a little shaky, I know that my bank account should be in good shape before I head down to Chicago and South Bend for a few days. Speaking of which - A couple of people backed out recently, so if anyone cares to join me for the baseball game on 9/12 in Chicago, I have two extra tickets. Just let me know. It's generally understood that you're welcome to buy me a beer, but otherwise the seats (down the left field line) are all paid for. My Tigers pretty much threw in the towel a few weeks ago, but I've never been to the new ballpark in Chicago so a buddy and I are going to check it out.

Last bit of business to address tonight - I've been rained out for the last few nights, so I skipped over that third workout and picked back up with the core stuff to get back on schedule tonight.

[Workout A]
Incline Press - Kept same weights, added two reps
French Press - Kept same weights, added two reps
Side Lateral - Kept same weights, added one rep
Seated Calf Raise - Kept same (maximum) weight, added five reps
Squat - Added ten pounds to each set, kept same reps

So that's a pretty positive workout. I did eat quite a bit more yesterday than I have been eating lately. I'm sure that the extra calories, combined with the three days away from the weights, helped me a little bit tonight.


  1. Vito,

    The Mack Brown Correctional Institute. That is a good one. Dead on accurate too.

    Next time your on Satan's Highway may I suggest an alternative stop.
    Try the Czech Stop located on the east side of Satan's highway at Exit 353. No fast food here. Just an awesome selection of meat kolaches, cookies and other baked goods. Whenever I make the trip to the Big 'D' I always stop here.

    I do not recall the availability of truck parking and baked goods may not fit in with your getting back in shape program. But, if you are looking for something different from the same old fast food place or overpriced truck stop goup line may want to give it a try.



  2. I've seen that place along the way. Other than Italian food though, I tend to like my nice plain fast food items the best. A piece of meat on a piece of bread is perfect for me.

    Another trip down that road this week... fun. Maybe I'll catch the leftovers from that hurricane while I'm at it.


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