Thursday, August 28, 2008


I had a 9am (local time) delivery appointment in Houston, so I got rolling right after my ten hour break was up. I got to Houston at 8am. I got to the customer (in Houston) at 8:45am. Good times. Good times. You know, last night I heard that nobody can find a job in this country and nobody can afford gas. I guess these people didn't get the memo.

The customer was a logistics place with a long straight building and basic loading docks. No great shakes there, but the workers and customers of the place across the parking lot had their personal vehicles all over the place. Backing in proved to be quite a challenge. It took some time, but no vehicles were harmed in the making of this post.

As I sat at the dock, I received a message indicating that my next load was ready to roll. That was good news. The load was scheduled as a 10pm pickup, but the dispatcher in Laredo told me that I could most likely get it early. Turns out he was right. So once I was empty I was able to head over and make my drop/hook, then hit the road for Laredo.

When I got down here I was told that the customer was a 24/7 outfit. Good news for me. They were up on the north side of town by the truck stops, so getting a chance to drop at night was a big plus. Traffic in that area during the day is absolutely intolerable.

So I'm back at the yard and I'm #31 on the board. That's pretty good going into a Friday. My week so far is at 1,871 miles. Anything decent over the long weekend should leave me in good shape. All in all, I guess you could say that I'm content.

But it gets better... Tonight I heard that people around the world are going to love me again, I'm going to get a tax cut, I'm going to make more money, I won't need oil from the Middle East to run my car anymore, if I buy a house the price will never go down, my health insurance is going to get cheaper, if I go back to college that will be cheaper too, if I can't get out of the way of a hurricane the President will come and save me, maniacal dictators won't want to harm their neighbors anymore, we'll move past the sins of my ancestors (Irish immigrants who didn't own slaves BTW), Social Security isn't really going bankrupt so I don't need to worry about retirement, and... best of all... those evil rich dudes will pay for it all. I'm pumped!


  1. If you really believed all that you wrote in your last paragraph. I have a home to sell you in the Detroit area.

  2. Dude, they wouldn't put it on MSNBC if it wasn't true. I believe everything that I hear from those objective reporters. Everything.

    What's more, this time the person doing the talking was an elected official. Since he's accountable to the voters, there's no way he would just make things up in order to get elected. No way.


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