Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well, this is a little better. I rolled out of bed around 9am and called the terminal to get myself back on the board. They said that I was #12, so I was braced for yet another wasted day. It only took a few hours for me to get to #0 though. That wasn't bad. When I called in, I was told that I had to pick up in Muskegon by midnight and head down to Cincinnati. I was picking up at a paper place right down on Lake Michigan and I was there once before, so I was pretty confident that I could head over this afternoon for my drop/hook.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, I guess. When I got there the lady said that they would have had my trailer loaded, but they didn't have any empties. So I had to do a live load. No biggie, I guess. I had to wait in the break room while they loaded my trailer. This allowed me to learn that I can access the world wide interweb even when my Sprint connection thingie says zero percent signal. I had to refresh a few pages that timed out, but you know, zero percent. That ain't so shabby.

I was loaded and rolling before long. My instructions say quite emphatically that I am not to arrive at the consignee in Cincinnati more than an hour early for my appointment. I was given a 7pm appointment tomorrow by the folks at CTL. My paperwork says quite clearly that these loads deliver between 7:30am and 3:30pm, and that we need to have an appointment. So I sent a message asking if the 7pm thing was right. They said that I am to stick with the 7pm, so here's hoping someone will be there to unload my trailer.

I rolled down to a rest area outside Battle Creek and decided to call it a night. Then I got back to basics for a change. Making its return appearance in front of my passenger seat is the trusty weight bench. I got everything set up, completed my workout, walked around the truck a few times to get my heart rate slowed down, and put everything away in exactly forty minutes. The upshot here is that time is really no excuse. Therefore you're all empowered to bust my balls if you don't see at least three workout reports per week on this blog. I intend to get to my baseball playing condition by December 31. Sort of an 'old year's resolution,' I suppose.

Today [Workout A]
Incline Press - 3 sets (12,10,7 reps)
French Press - 3 sets (12,10,3 reps)
Side Laterals - 3 sets (12,10,5 reps)
Seated Calf Raises - 1 burnout set (85 reps)
And my old nemesis... Squats - 2 sets (12,10 reps)

I'm not going to post the baseline numbers as far as weights since, quite frankly, they're embarrassing. I've been lazy for too long and I've torn a few muscles in my day, so we're starting off easy. I'll update the progress in terms of increases in final set productivity whenever I get back around to this particular workout. Those last sets end when the muscles fail, so they're the only real indicator of anything as far as I'm concerned.

Getting the week off to a positive start is definitely a good thing. I'm at 566 miles and I'll have time on my log book to pull something out of Ohio tomorrow, although my experience points to a ConWay load leaving Tuesday at the buttcrack of dawn. I guess we'll see.

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