Tuesday, August 12, 2008


You know how hard it is to actually add twenty seconds of jumping to your time when you're fat and lazy? Really freaking hard. That's how hard. After I got down to Harrodsburg and hit the dock, I whipped out the Cable of Death, as it has come to be known. I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to add another twenty tomorrow.

Anyhow, quick 250 mile trip up to Lafayette from there. I checked in at 3:30pm for an 8:00pm appointment. They had me loaded and rolling by 7pm, so good enough. Then it was decision time again. I could spend the night in Indiana and get past Chicago during tomorrow morning's rush hour or I could head up to Bolingbrook tonight and just let the parking sort itself out. I played it safe last night (good call, small parking lot at the shipper) so I headed north tonight. The consignee was in an industrial park and I usually have some luck in those instances.

I came up I-65 and across on US-30 to avoid that northern Indiana/Illinois debacle on I-80. That worked out nicely and traffic was light the whole way. I checked in at the consignee and the guy told me that I couldn't get unloaded until 8am. I was dispatched to arrive by 8am, but my assignment said that it was a drop/hook on this end. I asked him if I could drop and hook. He said that I could, but "most CFI guys want to do a live unload." If that's the case, then most guys are pretty dumb. Why in the hell would I want to spend the night in the way of a busy trucking terminal and then wait for them to unload my trailer in the morning? I made my drop/hook tonight. Now they can do whatever they want to do with my trailer in the morning and I don't need to be involved.

I headed down the street and scouted for an empty warehouse. Maybe a quarter mile down I found one. The construction equipment is always a dead giveaway. I am #1 and I should have a ten hour break in the book before they give me anything, so I'm staying on the board tonight.

My private parking facility was a convenient place to drag out the Godforsaken weight bench and bang out another round of misery. I never get mosquito bites on my ass in the gym at home, but otherwise the workouts out here stack up okay.

[Workout B]
One-arm Row - 3 sets (12,10,8 reps)
Curl - 3 sets (12,10,3 reps)
Stiff-leg Deadlift - 3 sets (12,10,6)
Front Lateral - 3 sets (12,10,8)
Hammer Curl - 3 sets (12,10,5)

The weird thing here is that, whenever I get the courage to look in the mirror, my triceps still have decent definition and bulk. My biceps look flabby and weak. When it came to moving iron this week though, the biceps have maintained a lot more of their strength. My triceps were screaming as soon as I started the other day. Weird. This is the second full workout this week and the second time that I'm not parked near a shower. Bum deal there. The good old baby wipes/bottled water/shower gel routine had to suffice again. I can get by with relatively little water so it's not like I blow a lot of money this way, but that shit is cold.

At press time tonight, we're sitting at 1,069 miles with an empty trailer and full hours for tomorrow. I also have my $35 for the extra stop so the week is taking shape pretty well so far. Let's hope it keeps up.

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