Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well, I guess it was good to get back on the road again... sike! I got up this morning and called the local dispatcher to have him put me on the board. He told me I was #5, so I asked what the freight looked like for today. He suggested that staying home for a while probably wasn't a bad idea, since it would be at least a few hours before they assigned me anything. So I got to go back to bed. Beauty.

When I woke up later in the morning, I was #7. Strange? Yes. I know they have some 'priority' deal that gets certain teams to the head of the line, but I always thought teams were on a seperate board from the rest of us. In any case, I got to chill at home for a while longer as I inched my way up the board. I got my assignment this afternoon - picking up somewhere 125 miles from here tomorrow morning and then going to Nogales. So, the upshot is that I caught another full day off (at home) and I'll still knock out well over 2,000 miles for this pay period. That's a pretty decent script as far as I can tell.

I'll head out bright and early tomorrow and hopefully make my way down the road a bit before I get sleepy. I never went to the yard and checked my Qualcomm today, so I don't know the timeline for certain. If I had to guess, I would think they're expecting me in Nogales on Monday morning, so that probably means I will have a few long days ahead.

Now I guess I get to watch some hockey. Since my predictions are always 100% accurate (Stop laughing), I'm going to say the Red Wings, Pistons, and Tigers will all bring home the championships for 2008. How about that? A week ago the Tigers sucked, and now I'm on the World Series bandwagon. It's just too bad we can't play Texas all year long.


  1. it's about time you get back to work!


  2. Unfortunately, my bank account agrees with you. Personally, I'd be okay with about three more years of time off. That shit gets expensive though.


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