Thursday, April 30, 2009


Given that today wasn't terribly productive, one might be inclined to think that it was a complete waste. Au contraire, mes amis. I parallel parked this bad boy between two RV's in one motion, without a whole lot of room to spare. That has to count for something. I have never been much good at the whole parallel parking bit. There was one parking spot open at the rest area outside Radford and it was the kind of spot that I would typically forsake. Today though, we had what may be an early symptom of swine flu with which to deal. Yeah, I had to stop. Immediately. For whatever reason, that rest area was like Grand Central Station this morning. I set up, threw it in reverse, and voila! To quote Ace Ventura - Like a glove. The folks at Fenian Godfather Investigations appear to have found the source of my gastrointestinal discomfort though.

My load was ready at the Knoxville ConWay yard when I checked in at 4:30am, so that was pretty nice. If I'm going to wake at a ridiculous hour, the least they can do is have my trailer ready a little early for me. Notwithstanding the aforementioned display of parallel parking mastery, the morning was quite easy. 18,000 pounds in the wagon. Hardly any traffic. Just a quick four-hour jaunt into Virginia. I got rid of my loaded trailer and found myself #1 on the board at 9:45am. Things were looking pretty favorable for me. After a nice long nap, I woke to find that I had been assigned to a load but my Qualcomm had powered down so I never got the message. I fired up the truck and found that I really didn't like the message when it came through. I'll be taking a relay from here tomorrow afternoon and heading for New York. The 487 miles, all with northeast pay tacked on, will make tomorrow a pretty profitable day. Today though, not so much.

The northeast is usually a decent place to catch some nice work for the weekend. With something over 2,100 miles on the books by the time I'm empty tomorrow night, I could end up with a healthy paycheck once all is said and done. For now it looks like I've got some time to catch up on my reading.


  1. Gastrointestinal distress may well be related to Corleone's Double Meat BMT habit. LOL

    I took the bait and had 'em load me up a double Monday afternoon at the Gas City Subway.

    I was glad that I listened to ya Vito!! Darn things are good! Maybe I'm not as incorrigable as once believed? :)

    Be Safe!

  2. When combined with that Italian herb and cheese bread it's pretty tough to beat.

    I think the Pilot across the street has a SubWay, come to think of it... Might have to go for a walk when dinner time rolls around.

  3. Ah the parallel park with a big truck. When people are watching,and you pull if off. Priceless. One of the few times my wife was riding with me on a trip I had to parallel park I hit it in one shot. It fooled Momma into thinking I could drive. There was a Large car driver sitting in his seat in the truck behind me that gave me a thumbs up when I walked by him into the bathroom.

    That was quite the picture you posted today.

  4. I had this puppy two inches from the curb, perfectly square. Once or twice a year I manage to impersonate a truck driver fairly well.

    I probably owe that kid an apology, as it would appear that I have no swine flu today.


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