Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Do you ever get the feeling that you're on the run from something, but you just can't figure out what that 'something' is? I do. I get that feeling all the time. In a sense, I guess that it helps to have a job that keeps me on the move most of the time. Today though, not much moving and too much time to think. Bummer dude.

I woke up and backed into the dock at the consignee around 7am. After the dock worker finished unloading me, I asked if it would be okay to pull off to the side and wait for my next assignment. It seems that I've been getting loads within an hour or two lately, so I didn't want to drive anywhere out of the way if I didn't have to. I was #1 on the board, so things were looking pretty good. I fell asleep somewhere along the way this morning (tossed and turned all night last night). When I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 1pm. Surely I must have missed a message from my Qualcomm, right? Nope. No messages. Well surely I had been assigned to something and the message hadn't gone through, right? Nope. I was still #1 on the board.

I was getting hungry, so I headed south to the T/A and got some lunch. Tick tock, tick tock. At 7pm, I got my next assignment. I have to pick up tomorrow at 7pm, about an hour and a half away from here, then drive to Indiana. If the suckiness scale were 1-10, with 10 being the suckiest, I would rate this arrangement somewhere around 11.5. I chalked up the slow dispatch to the holiday weekend, so I didn't dwell on all the sitting for the past few days. I actually managed to enjoy it for the most part. I guess the holiday yesterday would be the biggest factor in having no freight today as well, but damn. Nothing until 7pm tomorrow? That blows.

I'll send in my request for layover pay during business hours tomorrow, so I have no idea how that's gonna go. Getting paid things other than mileage seems to be more of a hassle than it used to be. I was dispatched on the 23rd, with enough hours available to get here on the night of the 24th. This deadhead is less than 100 miles, so the clock is supposed to continue ticking. That means that my layover is broken tomorrow night, the 28th. Four days, with the first one free, should mean that I have $180 coming in layover pay. Why do I get the feeling that this will be another struggle to get paid what I have coming to me? I don't know man. They surprise me every now and then, so we'll just have to see.

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