Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hey, look at that. I get to not care about Michael Vick again. How exciting. At least my 'Skins didn't get in the mix this time around.

I do find the nighttime weather up north to be quite salubrious. I managed to sleep fairly soundly in the cool air and in the absence of idling trucks last night. Beauty. Ahh, nice and refreshed today. After a quick hop over to Antigo, it was time to check in and see what was in store for me next.

There was some confusion with the loader guy but the lovely lady in charge of shipping showed up for work a few minutes after I got there. She knew what was going on and got it all sorted out for me. It took me around five minutes to back in from the street and then another five minutes or so for the fella to load my trailer. 2,300 pounds on nine pallets? Sweet. Southward we go...

The first part of the drive wasn't bad. Is it possible to pass through Oshkosh without thinking of children's overalls? I think not. Then the damned Brewers had to play baseball or something this afternoon. I don't appreciate their thoughtless scheduling. I expect them to be on the West Coast the next time I'm passing through. That took a while.

Then, in a sign that some sense of (unpleasant) normalcy is returning, Chicagoland brought another thirty miles of bullshit stop-and-go traffic. That's twice this week. Good times. Good times. Things shook out by the time I got onto the Indiana Toll Road, so the road rage threat level moved back down from red to yellow. The long slow afternoon almost convinced me to abandon my commitment to my 'no cash tolls' approach to driving. I don't have to deliver until 1pm tomorrow though, so off the freeway and onto the two-lanes it was. Ohio is supposed to be on the EZPass network later this year. That will certainly help the cause. Until then though, here we are.

I'm presently working my way across on US-20A toward Toledo. I've stopped in Delta for the night, leaving somewhere around three hours to drive in the morning. I'll have to catch US-20 over toward the Cleveland area and then cut over to Brecksville on some state route. My miles for the week are a little over 1,400 at the moment. One decent run for the weekend should kick me over 2,000. Given that I spent a couple of days at home to start the week and then took my time on the first run out of Michigan, I don't imagine I should expect a whole lot more.

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