Saturday, April 25, 2009


In case we needed any reminder that my life is severely lacking in excitement, today brought more evidence. I actually spent the whole morning looking forward to having a PB&J sandwich for lunch. First though, I had to head south to Winfield and pick up my load. That drive took a little over an hour, after which the shipper had me loaded and rolling fairly quickly. Then it was back up I-135 toward Salina. I was planning to stop at the Bosselman's truck stop to top off my fuel tanks and grab a bite. Since I was able to get my hands on one of those delicious sandwiches at a Bosselman's in Nebraska not too long ago, I had my fingers crossed in hopes that the one in Salina wouldn't let me down today. Ahh yes, they had the good stuff. And a bowl of fresh strawberries too. Beauty.

The work day was nice and easy today. There was just enough rain to keep the bugs from overwhelming my windshield but not enough to affect the flow of traffic. I stopped off at the T/A in Oakley for the night, leaving another nice easy day for tomorrow. I imagine I'll be able to hit the truck stop in Aurora within four hours or so of leaving here. Probably no PB&J tomorrow though. But that Flying J pizza is pretty solid. Yeah, I could definitely use a little more excitement in my life.

Those damned 'Skins were determined to ignore my plea and trade up for a quarterback, weren't they? I'd like to be the first to thank the Jets for saving Mr. Snyder from himself. Good lookin' out, my brothers.

The week will wrap up with 1,623 miles. I guess we can look at it in one of two ways. I left home on Thursday, so $616 isn't a bad paycheck for working a few days. I did call in and report for work on Tuesday morning though, so $616 doesn't sound so hot in that context. As tends to be the case in this line of work though, next week is a blank page. A few thousand miles could balance out this week in a hurry. Hopefully I can get rolling out of Denver nice and quickly once I'm empty on Monday.


  1. I'm going to have to start wearing a paper bag over my head while watching a Yankee game. We are getting crushed by Boston. A BP&J sandwich does sound like a good idea thanks.

  2. It's a long, long summer Mark. I wouldn't be any more concerned about your Yanks than I am excited about my Tigers (tied for first, for now).

  3. Seconds on the PBJ idea Vito! A jar of smooth or crunchy with some concord grape or strawberry and an ice cold glass of milk, or coffee is hard to beat! Ever throw a little bit of cream cheese in the mix? Yummy! A cardiac situation for sure. LOL

    Don Barzini

  4. Cream cheese on a PB&J? My first instinct is to call you a sick individual, but I'll have to mull that one over for a while.


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