Friday, September 19, 2008


Eh, mixed bag today. I went over to the broker when I woke up this morning. I've been there before. This time it took about 45 minutes to get into the driveway. Fun. Once I got in and sat there being ignored by the security guard for a while, he told me that I needed to go to a different location. Nice. I got over there and made my drop, then headed back to the yard. And there goes my Friday.

I got called in a little while ago. There were a few loads, all in the 1,200+ mile neighborhood. I didn't really have a way to get into the coverage area for the football game by tomorrow afternoon at that point. Bummer. Since I'll be stuck in the South tomorrow either way, I took a load that delivers Tuesday morning instead of Monday morning. That way I can knock out seven hours tomorrow morning and then try to find an online stream of the game once I get up to Lancaster. A Monday morning delivery would have required two really long days of driving from here.

So, it was time for a workout and then some sleep. The swarm of bugs outside my truck was worse than a flabby gut though. I guess the next session with the weights will be tomorrow after the game instead.


  1. The ABC feed in Oklahoma just switched to the ND_ MSU game with 10 mins left in case you see this.
    I enjoy reading your blog.

  2. (Unfortunately) I found a good internet stream and saw the whole game, but thanks for the tip. I appreciate the feedback on the blog as well.


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