Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Meh, 680 miles is pretty good I guess. I didn't get started as early as planned, but things still went fairly smoothly. No traffic in Cincinnati or Louisville. Then I hung a right on the Western Kentucky Parkway and took the whole I-65/Nashville/I-40 issue out of play. Things were a little slow coming into Memphis on US-51 but that was still 1,000% better than taking I-65 to I-40 and across.

Not a whole lot else going on today. I did get a job offer from another financial firm for the first time in quite a while. I'm pretty sure that my licenses expired a couple of months ago, but you know, details. Thanks but no thanks brother. I don't have the patience for moronic clients anymore.

I can't get to Laredo in one shot from here, so I guess I'll aim for another eleven hours tomorrow. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will be a Monday-Friday broker. That would allow me to drop at the yard on Saturday instead of having to deliver the load. Then the good old Laredo weekend routine. I am still hopeful that I can jam at least one more dispatch onto my paycheck before Saturday night. We'll see.

Yeah, I just realized that today is only Wednesday. Wishful thinking on my part I guess. Either that or I'm just getting too old to know the difference.

(Tonight's workout has been postponed due to rain. I'll have to get to it tomorrow. So I have that going for me... which is nice.)

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