Thursday, May 15, 2008


Pop quiz time, all you DOT pencil pushers... Will I be more alert and prepared to drive my last 200 miles (a) right now or (b) at 3am tomorrow? Idiots. You're making people less rested.

There was construction in Knoxville, forcing all of the traffic onto the bypass. Luckily I didn't wake up when my alarm went off this morning, so I got there after most people had already made it to work. It was one of those situations where leaving two hours earlier may have seemed smart, but I probably would have covered thirty fewer miles by the time my hours ran out. As it stands, I made it to Harrisonburg, so the day was fairly efficient (at least until the feds decided that I was tired). I'll have around three and a half hours to go in the morning, with a 7am appointment, so I guess 3am it is.

Next pop quiz, you DOT peckerheads... Will I have a better chance at a productive day, once I'm empty tomorrow, if I start my 14 hour clock (a) four hours before my appointment or (b) right at my appointment time? Morons. You're costing people money.

This load is 27,000 pounds. What this means in Virginia is that it's an exercise in patience. I'm light enough to pass quite a few trucks on the hills, but not light enough to do so very quickly. Thus, I generally end up dragging ass in the right lane behind trucks that are going slower than I really should be going, rather than pass them and tie up the passenger cars in the left lane. I can't say the same for all my 65mph colleagues out here.

Oh, and this dude was NOT in the crease.

Oh well. Now I'm all bitter so I might as well grab some guns and a bible so I have something to cling to as I try to sleep on command. 3am comes early.

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