Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well, at least I got out of Montana. After crossing that state twice in the last week, I have to wonder why General Custer even bothered.

The first half of the day was a pretty snowy affair. Aside from the mountain passes though, the roads weren't bad. The passes got a little slick, but nothing like some of the ones I saw last winter. So far, so good. In reality this truck handles the snow ten times better than any car I've ever driven. The only catch is that the extra weight can turn momentum against you if you're not careful. No troubles today.

I had planned to cover at least six hundred miles, which I did. That leaves me somewhere in the neighborhood of twelve hundred miles from my destination. According to the PC Miler application that I get to use with my wifi access here at Flying J, the trip should be around eighteen and a half more hours. With the hours I pick up at midnight, I can drive nine hours tomorrow. Then I pick up eleven more on Saturday. So... if all goes well, I can knock out the rest of this run in two shifts and get rid of this load on Saturday night. If all goes well.

I haven't decided yet whether or not to request a day off at home once I make my drop. I'd like to take a look at the open enrollment package that we are supposed to receive from ConWay before the deadline passes. If they're going to raise my premiums much, I'm inclined to think I'll just drop the health insurance altogether. I can buy an independent catastrophic loss plan for a pretty cheap price to cover major emergencies, but the premiums that I pay now are basically just providing care for someone else. For most of the crap people get with their health insurance, I have no use. I don't trust doctors. If they were any good, they would heal people the first time. Then they would be out of business. Something about an apparent conflict of interest just doesn't sit right with me, so I stay away from them.

Anyhow, more of the AM radio today. I had the basic choice between the evangelists reminding me of what a piece of shit I am or the country music making my ears bleed. What a selection! There was a brief discussion of the Israeli situation that I found interesting, but otherwise just a long day of boredom. I think I'll burn a few audio books onto CD's to get me through tomorrow.

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