Monday, August 16, 2010


If any of you ladies out there have a lot of money, then you need to know about this study.  Guys will cheat on you in order to redeem their manhood.  Not me though.  I'm all set in the manhood department, so you should seriously consider being my sugar momma.  I'll behave and everything.  Otherwise I may eventually be reduced to seeking romance among geeks like these.  We certainly wouldn't want that.

In the continued absence of my lovely meal ticket, it looks like I'll just have to keep plugging away at this work thing.  I got a call from the dispatcher at work this afternoon.  He was lining up tomorrow's schedule, but needed to get the okay from me before he proceeded.  The dairy had called to arrange a run to Tennessee for tonight.  Knowing that I probably would like to make $524 in the next day and a half, he was inclined to put me on the load.  Given that today was my day off though, and given that the run was tentatively set to leave before midnight, I had the option to turn it down.  I didn't turn it down.  You know, still no sugar momma and so forth.

I managed to eat a big lunch and then catch a nice nap this evening, so I should be all set to do some hard driving.  I haven't exactly logged a lot of miles on the highway over the last several weeks.  A trip with 200 miles is considered a long one in my new line of work.  We'll see how it goes.  As of my latest update, the load of empty cases still was not ready to leave the dairy.  It sounds like I'll be heading out of town some time between midnight and 1am.  (Still an hour or so left for one of those wealthy lasses to drag me onto a different path before I head out...)

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