Sunday, July 5, 2009


Still in Nogales. Still no trailer. Blah. At least my logbook will reset. I was going to be bumping against the 70 hour rule within a day or two without a 34-hour restart. Maybe I'll drive somewhere tomorrow... or something.


  1. Sorry you're stuck in dusty Nogales! I have been stuck there before. Not much to do at the Pilot on Ruby rd. is there? (That's the only place I ever parked because our drop lot was just down the street.)

    I would like to say that I enjoy reading your blog (well-written, and I dig your style) a great deal. I stopped driving in May '08and I get to live OTR vicariously through your posts. Thanks!

  2. Yeah, that Pilot is a zoo. Fortunately I have a healthy supply of books along with some DVD's of the Sherlock Holmes series that aired in Great Britain several years ago. I've managed to stay occupied for the most part.

    Thanks for the feedback on the blog.


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