Saturday, June 6, 2009


I think that I should start going to bed a little earlier. This morning's wakeup call wasn't as early as yesterday's, but it still took a few minutes for me to get up and going. We got all decked out in the prescribed wedding gear and then headed down to the waterfront. The photographer chick did her thing for a bit and I have now been photographed more in one day than I had been in the preceding ten years. I'm not really into that stuff, as you may have guessed.

Back over to the wedding place we did the good old hurry up and wait thing. Then the people filed in, the kids tied the knot, and everybody had a good time at the reception. It turns out, however, that being in the wedding party brings an additional requirement. Yes, folks, it is true... I was forced to dance to one song. I'm not really into that stuff, as you may have guessed. My bridesmaid partner chick was pretty cool though, so we'll just chalk it up as taking one for the team.

After the reception had ended, it was time for one man to stand against Mother Nature and put her in her place. There was a light rain falling, occasionally getting weaker or stronger but still falling in any case. Everybody, when the topic arose, seemed to agree that you can't have a campfire when it's raining. One man dared not only to build a campfire, but to build a campfire so large and hot that it would beat back the rain. There were various groups of people who would arrive and mingle for a bit, then retreat to their own personal cabins. Then others would arrive and repeat the process. The one constant through the night and into the wee hours of the morning was the blaze that beat back the rain. That fire burned until I said otherwise. Mother Nature had no vote in the matter. Aside from a few periods during which the rain picked up, I think I actually won that battle. My clothes were only slightly damp by the time I headed in to go to bed. Yeah, I've been called 'stubborn' at least once or twice in my life. I prefer 'persistent.'

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