Thursday, May 28, 2009


We almost had a full-blown controversy on our hands in the news department at Fenian Godfather Inc. today. I have encountered rain every day for at least two weeks and probably closer to three. Today looked like it may be the first day in a long time that I didn't encounter any rain. Here's the thing though. There was a ten mile stretch of I-71 in Kentucky where I had to use my wipers on account of road spray from a storm that had preceded me through the area. The news department couldn't reach a consensus. Is road spray a form of rain or has it ceased to be rain once it reaches the ground?

As it turns out, the 'no rain' story won't be reported this evening so we'll have some time to work on that one. After a long break at the Pilot in London, I got back out on the road and finished my drive to my consignee in Delaware. There was a bit of a steady rain shortly after I left the truck stop, so the streak of days with rain has been maintained. Controversy avoided... for now.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be parked here or not but it looks like I'm not bothering anyone. The purpose of the break at the truck stop was to wait until the consignee had closed up shop before I arrived. There are a handful of cars in the lot and the lights are on, so I guess my plan missed the mark by a little bit. We'll have to see if anyone kicks me out before tomorrow morning. I think I'll be fine.

My home time request has now been sent in advance of my time off for next week. If history is any guide, I'll be heading home in short order without making any more money this week. Obviously I would prefer another few hundred miles first but I don't really have any say in the matter. Either I'll make a few more bucks and get home early next week or I'll get home and have an extra weekend off. No tears will be shed either way. (Still prefer the few extra bucks though.)

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