Monday, April 13, 2009


When you head to Kelly's for a cold one and the tamale guy shows up right when you start to feel hungry... the world is a groovy kind of place. The Tigers got whipped by that bunch of thugs from Chicago though. Bummer.

The ole Godfather racked up quite a grocery list today after the ballgame. Got the stuff for Thursday's lasagna, Friday night's Italian sausages, Saturday's parking lot carne asada, and Sunday morning's hangover breakfast. Oh yeah, and lots of beverages. Prepared like a Boy Scout, as they say. Hopefully Mr. Weis and the lads will put on a good show for us.

I guess I'll scrub down the old Kenworth and drop it off at the dealer tomorrow. Those degenrates can certainly get it done before next week.


  1. When you head to Kelly's for a cold one and the tamale guy shows up right when you start to feel hungry... the world is a groovy kind of place.C'mon Corleone! Enough with the tamale guy. What about all of those ornery, hot sweeties running around loose at Kelly's with a pint or two of social lubricant already at work in their systems? All ya have to do is close the deal Godfather!

    "it was Barzini all along" LOL

  2. I was there at lunch time on a Monday, so...

    Setting that aside though, you should know by now that the lovely ladies are no big fans of mine.


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