Thursday, January 31, 2008


You guys who make the porno noises while you're taking a shit - what's up with that? Is it that painful? Or is it that pleasurable? Or is it... I don't know... what? What the hell is up with all the noise?

Anyway, even aside from the porn-shitters, today was a pretty weird one. I hung out in Lancaster all morning. For some reason I just didn't feel like getting out of the shower. I don't know if it's the nozzle that lines up with my chin, the water pressure dropping every time someone flushed a toilet, or the cold draft that was pouring in over the door. For some reason though, it felt like I could hang out in there all day. Once I got prune hands, I decided that was enough. I watched a couple of movies and then headed south.

What's up with the wind? Seriously. Is there anywhere in this country where it's not blowing a hundred miles an hour this week? Between the gusts and the shitty surface on I-35, it was a bitch driving for the most part today. For a while I was leaning far enough left to make Hillary Clinton and V.I. Lenin proud. And I think we all know how I feel about the 'no trucks in left lane' stretch there. I was officially back on road rage alert.

I got a message from the shop telling me it was time for fuel filters, so I fought my way through Austin and got to the T/A in New Braunfels. The guy said it would be a little while, but I was ready for a little break anyway. I also needed a mud flap for my truck and the shop added a tractor lube and trailer inspection to the menu. Four hours later... I was rolling again.

The part of the trip after I left the T/A was a hell of a lot better. The wind was gone and the traffic was lighter. I rolled into Laredo a little while ago and heard what I expected to hear. The broker opens at 9am. I was dispatched to be here at 2am, why? Whatever man. I got on the board at #5 so there's a pretty good chance I'll be assigned to something before I drop this one off tomorrow. It's been a long time since I've seen Laredo with this few trucks. All I ever hear is how slow the freight is and how everyone's sitting, but I just keep rolling.

It sounds like the weather back home is a bitch these days. I wouldn't mind staying down south here for a while. The last couple of times I've been to Laredo, I've requested home time and headed north. This time I'm not going home, so I guess there's a chance I'll stay out of the real cold stuff for a few days.

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