Monday, January 7, 2013

Fág an Bealach

The Corleone brothers will be taking in the action at E.G. Nick's in Plymouth, if anyone cares to stop in for a pint.  I'm told that there will be a healthy gathering of Notre Dame folks, so the atmosphere should be pretty fun.  Always more fun when the team wins, of course, but we'll just have to see how that part goes.

It's been an awesome ride to this point though. I was able to see three games in person this year. I was at the opener in Dublin, the following week's nailbiter against Purdue, and then the Senior Day game against Wake Forest. I sat among Navy parents as they openly remarked that the Notre Dame players looked bigger and faster this year. I sat among Notre Dame faculty as they bitterly predicted that no team that struggles against Purdue is going to have a very good season. I sat on the 15 yard line as Manti Te'o ran out of the tunnel for the final time and met his parents at midfield. Aside from having the money for a trip to Florida, which I unfortunately do not have, I'm not sure I could have scripted the season any better. Only one scene left to finish. Fág an bealach! Clear the way, me boys.

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