Saturday, March 1, 2008


I listened to a lot of election coverage today. Since these two yahoos are going so far to outpander one another, I'm looking forward to the handouts that they promise to fat, 30-something, employed and insured, middle class white dudes. So far we don't get anything other than a promised tax increase, but there's still time. I'm thinking taxpayer-funded cheeseburgers and baseball tickets would be perfect.

The weather was getting pretty lousy by the time I stopped last night, so I wasn't sure what to expect this morning. It was a pretty mixed bag by the time I woke up. Some spots were clean and wet, while others were really snowy and sloppy. There were a couple of minor accidents on the shoulders and one big one that stopped traffic for a little while. Once I hit the Ohio Turnpike, the road was perfectly maintained as usual.

I was rolling along, dreaming of the ways that my government could babysit me, when I got a beep on my Qualcomm. It's a pretty good sign when my first reaction to hearing a beep is no longer, "What the hell do they want?" When I heard the beep I thought, "Sweet, another pre-plan." And that's exactly what it was. Picking up in Davenport and going to Taylor, Michigan. My hours will be taxed to the limit tomorrow, but I'll spend the night at home when it's all done so I can't be too upset about that.

My instructions for the load I drop off in the morning say that, if it picks up early, it must be delivered within 30 hours. That means 3:30am. My instructions also say that it can't be delivered earlier than scheduled. My scheduled dispatch is for 9am. My instructions say that I am to break the seal, leave the paperwork in the trailer, and drop it in a given door. My instructions also say that I am to leave the trailer sealed and drop the paperwork in the mailbox. Yeah, I know.

Given that it's delivering on a Sunday morning, it's a few hours away from here, my next pickup is for 8am in the same town, and I need to get to Taylor on the same fourteen hour clock, I'm going to aim for a 7am arrival in Davenport. I don't know what's up with that 30 hour stuff, but I sincerely doubt that this place is doing anything at 3:30am on a Sunday. I'll be well ahead of my dispatched arrival time, so I guess I'll be fine.

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