Thursday, August 2, 2007


I ran up to Taylor this morning and afternoon, taking my time along the way. Since my delivery is for tomorrow morning, I wasn't in any hurry to get here.

As I rolled along, I found myself experiencing thoughts that didn't make any sense to me. I consider myself to be a very logical individual. I do not give in to paranoia or any sort of knee-jerk mentality. Yet, as I crossed various bridges today, I found myself thinking, "Damn, this thing is high, get me off of here." The images of those cars in the water are pretty hard to shake. As all of the finger pointing begins to commence among the higher-ups, I can't seem to grasp the fact that what looks like just another bridge might be the last thing I ever see.

I stopped at a Burger King on the Ohio Turnpike for lunch today. I am not exaggerating when I state that there were two absolutely drop-dead gorgeous Russian girls working there. Their English was flawless, but they still had that sexy accent. Maybe I haven't mentioned that I went out with a Russian girl a few times last summer... awesome. I will acknowledge that these two may have been Ukrainian or Latvian or whatever else, but you know how it is. They're all Russian to me. Maybe when I get a nice little nest egg built up, I'll give the folks at Elena's Models a call and snag me a bride.

When I got home, I managed to get hold of a good friend that I missed the last time I was passing through, so we got out for some good Mexican food and a couple of beers.

I deliver bright and early tomorrow, so hopefully there will be something nice to keep me occupied for the weekend. I'll finally have some hours to work with, as I used all but two in getting here. I pick up twelve and ten the next couple of days, so I can cover some ground. We'll see.


  1. Hey Vito,

    Any of them russian girls come with a CDL? Since youd be burning most of your time on line 2, she better be able to drive.


  2. Well, now there's a thought. I hadn't considered that one. I was picturing here at home, raising a couple of mini-Dons. Maybe I'll have to check with the Russian DOT instead...


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