Sunday, March 24, 2013


I remarked to my brother today, as we left Joe Louis Arena, that you don't always buy the ticket to experience the game. You can watch the game on television, after all. Sometimes you buy the ticket to experience the walk back to your parking spot. After the Irish won the last ever CCHA championship this afternoon in Detroit, that walk back to the parking spot was a beauty. Absolute silence. The same Michigan fans who were hooting and hollering after their early 1-0 lead were forced to simply shut the fuck up and accept reality for what it is.

Notre Dame beat Michigan five times out of five this season.

Notre Dame caused Michigan to miss the NCAA tournament for the first time in more than 20 years, likely securing a #1 seed for the Irish in the process.

Notre Dame sent Red Berenson out on a loss. Heh. (Although, to be fair, Red's two national titles are infinitely more than Bo's zero.)

The little douchebags to our left, doing the weird 'whoop whoop' thing during Michigan penalty kills, had to sit and suffer as my brother did the same following each of Notre Dame's three glorious goals.

Notre Dame will own the Mason Cup... forever.

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