Thursday, February 5, 2009


Oh, if only every trip to Laredo were like this one. I got in last night, dropped my trailer off this morning, made another local drop for a quick twenty bucks today, waited at the yard for an hour or so, and then got my ass out of town. Traffic was light by Laredo standards all day. My drop lots were very easy to navigate. All was right with the world.

I was #3 on the board after spending the morning running around Laredo. I stopped for some lunch on the way back to the terminal and then expected to settle in for a while. I got called in by the dispatcher and I was a bit surprised by what he had to say. "Hey dude, an order just came in for a load going to Portland. Do you want that one?" I'm not a big fan of the left coast, generally speaking, but after taking last week off I need an economic stimulus. I accepted.

I had to take an empty over to a broker and have it loaded. The guys there were prompt and polite, which is always a plus. Then it was off to the races. I angled over toward Eagle Pass, avoiding Satan's Driveway once again, and then caught up with I-10 in Fort Stockton. By the time I got to the big truck stop in Plateau, I was pretty well worn out.

From here it looks like I'll go across into the People's Republic and then up I-5, I guess. I could shave a hundred miles or so by angling up U.S. highways through Utah. Snow and mountains and all of that sounds like a drag though. I still might catch some sticky stuff along the coast, but I'll take my chances over there. The 55mph speed isn't so bad as long as everyone else goes a little faster. In any case I don't guess I'll have much fun dragging this 44,000 pound load around.

Aside from the weather, my 70 hour clock is going to be the other major obstacle. I'm due in Portland by noon Pacific time on Monday. I think I should be able to pull this one off, driving the last stretch with the hours that I'll pick up at midnight that day. I'll need some cooperation from the weather and traffic and other such forces beyond my control. Then my log book will be completely fried and I'll have to take a day off. For a week of 4,236 miles plus my $20 in local pay, I'll handle it. There aren't a lot of $1,630 paychecks coming my way these days. Probably after they pass that big spending bill I'll make $1,600 every week, but not yet.


  1. Nice piece of change. Sounds like you earned it with those miles.

    That will buy you a couple of Barley Pops. Well deserved I might add. Don't let those Left coasters get you down. Just hold your breath when you drive thru Commieville.

  2. The weird thing is that I know a handful of people in California. They all seem to be relatively normal. I never have managed to understand what goes on out there.

  3. Joe,

    I am catching up on your blog. I am starting back from 2/3/09.

    I am interested on your trip perspective of the "Grapevine".
    Very steep downgrade starting at Gorman down to the Central Valley of Commiefornia.


  4. I haven't ever gone down the Grapevine in bad weather, but it just seems long and tedious to me. It doesn't strike me as being as treacherous as Monteagle or even Donner for that matter. I suppose the ice and snow up there would change my tune if I ever had to deal with them.


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