Thursday, April 16, 2009


Dude, get me to Notre Dame already. If I have to get together with one more group of friends this week, my pants may not fit by the time I go back to work. As expected, my famous lasagna was worthy of its title tonight. Beauty. I ate one piece too many though. My buddy's kid was all smiles while I was holding him and he cried when he went back to his father. Take that. I'm like a regular domestic fella... or something.

On the way out to Walled Lake, I caught some of that odd little Mitch Albom fella's radio show. He was talking about Susan Boyle - the show stopper from Britain's Got Talent. I don't watch television and I must live under a rock because I had never heard anything about this chick. 16 million views on YouTube, oy. That link is worth a click if you appreciate good music. In an odd twist though, I find myself agreeing with Mr. Albom and wondering if we're all to cynical and jaded. The song itself was powerful and moving, but I couldn't help but wonder if the audience was being sandbagged. Some of the production seemed a little too over the top to be indicative of a legitimate surprise. Do you suppose that they knew what she could do and just played the surprised role for TV? I would prefer to think that she's really just the weird cat lady who got a chance, but I wonder. In any case, if you can knock anything from Les Miserables out of the ballpark, I'm impressed.

Bedtime now. Lou Holtz tomorrow. Beauty.


  1. Come on Godfather!! The lady hasn't even been kissed. You don't really think the producer's of a show like this would stage something do you?

    Hell, we had an election of a president staged right before our eyes. I guess anything is possible.

  2. Les Mis...Damn dude you are a suprise....You sure your a truck driver.....I guess there are more of us big boned take no prisoner type dudes that actually like a little culture than I thought....But from what I see around the stops you and I seem to be in the minority

  3. Staged "reality" television... staged elections... I'm getting too cynical to try and draw the connection. I really do hope that chick is really a freak show though. (How twisted is that?)

    Culture? Oh, I don't know. I've never really taken a shine to NASCAR, so I guess I'm really a yankee boy who happens to drive a truck for a living. Showers and clean clothes just seem to come with the territory.

    At this point, I would like to make some sort of vague reference to education and experience. Unfortunately though, I enjoy the product of malted hops and fermented grain far more than a gentleman of any respectable upbringing should. So I'll just say that my ex-wife was a flight attendant. Numerous weekend trips to Manhattan left me with an appreciation for Broadway. That'll have to do for now.

  4. Yeah Vito, I listen to the Midnight Radio Network sometimes on WJR. In the afternoons, I sometimes find my radio still on 760.

    Mitch Albom does a pretty good show. I find myself listening more and more. That dude has the biggest ears that I have ever seen. He looks like Spock!


  5. He's an odd little fella. Back when he was one of the pre-eminent sports writers in the country, the other guys clearly envied and resented him. Now his writing has slipped a little and he does that radio show. It seems that he's the one who envies and resents the guys with the big audiences.

    Whenever he just does the show and doesn't try to be a political hack, it tends to be pretty enjoyable. He's out of his depth when he gets too much into the politics.


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