Wednesday, April 15, 2009


You know what's pretty lame? Tea party protests. The leftists get to protest every damn thing under the sun with a bunch of scantily clad college chicks who don't know their asses from a sequence of holes in the ground. Why do I get to hang out with a bunch of responsible, productive, educated, and patriotic tax-paying citizens (who are generally pretty old and not very attractive)? No justice for me in a world run by The Man, I guess. And honestly, Joe the Plumber? In Lansing? That just ain't right. I don't know what makes that guy a political authority, but no.

And, even before the little shindig started, I got into a verbal spat with some chick. While parallel parking, I happened to nudge her car with my front bumper. My bad. No question. She got out and started giving her POS the standard rectal exam before I even opened my door. Okay, I've seen this routine before. I didn't just fall off the banana boat. I, rather politely I must say, told her that I didn't touch her car anywhere near any of the ten spots where she was trying to find an issue. In point of fact, I hadn't even smudged the dirt on her bumper. "It doesn't matter," said she. "You still hit my car and you should still apologize!"

Oh hell... here we go in 3,2,1... "Go fuck yourself," said I (reluctantly). "Call the cops if that's what you need to do." And off we went. Yeah, I'm still trying to work on that whole 'nuance' thing. In my defense though, I originally had intended to apologize. She just went straight into bitchy victim mode before I could react. Instinct took over from there.

So the highlight of our trek to Lansing turned out to be... you guessed it... lunch and beers after the rally. Brannigan Brothers was a nice spot to spend some time watching my Tigers spank those thugs from Chicago. Good times, good times.

The douchebags guys at the Kenworth dealer told me this morning that they'll call when my truck is ready. I think we've established that this is most likely bullshit, but we'll have to see.

And tonight was somewhat productive, as I got my lasagna for tomorrow assembled and ready to bake, then boiled up some sausages in dark amber something-or-other ahead of this weekend's tailgate grilling. Tomorrow I get to be one of those uncles who's not really an uncle, but my friend with the new kid doesn't have an upstanding brother who could be a good uncle... therefore I have to act like I'm not a total degenerate for a few hours. Friday brings a drive to Indiana and a speech from Lou Holtz. Life is still pretty damn good... so far at least.

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